TV Advertising

There are two main ways to watch TV: via linear channels (as it is being broadcast or recorded and played back) or on demand – through platforms like, BBC iplayer, 4OD & Sky. Both of the ways the viewer consumes TV complement each other and meet different viewer needs.

Why Television?

TV is a high impact medium and offers a marketing platform that is welcomed in to the consumer’s home.  TV advertising delivers immediacy with adverts often giving the viewer urgency to purchase or visit shops, websites or attractions. Regional TV gives businesses the chance to target their advertising to avoid wastage.  Regional adverts are delivered in advertising breaks alongside national TV advertisers in their chosen region, it is a misconception that regional adverts will be delivered late at night.
Regional TV advertising offers the chance to reach the masses through movement, colour and sound whilst engaging the viewer. Each campaign however large or small offers spot-by-spot accountability, ensuring that the advertisers message reaches a chosen target audience on a regional or national basis in an effective and efficient way.

TV Channels

The provision of regional flexibility differs by broadcaster as some broadcasters can only transmit on a national basis. ITV can offer a full regional breakdown while others, such as Channel 4 and Five, provide a macro sales areas that group a few of the regions together.    ITV regions can also break down in to smaller regions known as micro regions allowing smaller businesses to reach their targeted audience through sound and movement whilst avoiding wastage.

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